Car Parks
GCA (UK) Ltd understands the impact good design and layout can have on the efficiency of the car park.
Every new parking facility is different in terms of location, design and usage.
The design of a new facility can never be prescriptive – multi-storey developments in a city centre will have different security requirements from a rural surface-level car park.
There isn’t a one-fits-all design for a safer car park. What GCA (UK) Ltd can provide is best practice guidance to clients on the design and incorporation of physical security features that will establish and maintain a safe and efficient parking environment.
We can find creative ways to manage the flow of water from the site, ensuring that water management meets the practical needs of the site, and the requirements of statutory authorities.

GCA (UK) Ltd can offer expertise and guidance with:
- Space Utilisation
- Traffic and Pedestrian Flow
- Signage and Markings
- Surface Water drainage
- Petrol Interceptors
- Sustainable Surfacing